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Man in Airplane Reclaiming the Armrest From an Armrest Hogger! Classic Reaction!

For those of us who have been on an extended airplane ride, we know that the lengthy trips can provide their very own set of unique challenges that might not seem like a huge deal but when you’re tired and restless and that gets mixed up with a whole selection of other small nagging issues, it can get to be a little much.

This time, our hero takes us on a journey that details his battle with the guy sitting next to him who, to be fair, probably doesn’t even realize that there’s a battle to start with. We’re talking, of course, about the struggle for elbow room in a flight that doesn’t really seem to have much of it.

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The main character in this dramatic video gives us the lowdown of his situation while he’s standing in the bathroom before heading back out to take on the fellow in the next seat over who seems to have taken over the armrest that lies in between the two seats.

Ride along with the journey down below that actually ends with quite the hilarious reaction as a bold move for the armrest yields quite the facial expression. What would you do if you were riding along in an airplane and the guy next to you decided to give you a quick jab to fight for the real estate on the armrest?