Man in Handcuffs Pulls a Houdini, Steals Police Car From Back Seat

One should never underestimate the lengths to which individuals will go when desperate to avoid going to jail. A man found himself in this exact predicament when the Colorado State Patrol pursued him after he allegedly caused multiple crashes on the highways, says Inside Edition.
Rather than pulling over immediately, the individual attempted to evade the officers, leading them on a chase. Eventually, the officers managed to track him down and performed a PIT maneuver to bring his car to a halt and apprehend him.
The suspect was then placed in the back of a patrol car, his wrists handcuffed. Meanwhile, the officers proceeded to search his vehicle for any illegal items. Seizing this opportunity, the suspect managed to contort his body and maneuver his handcuffed arms to the front, eventually climbing through the divider of the patrol car and driving away, initiating another high-speed pursuit with the police.
As the chase ensued, the suspect drove at dangerously high speeds, with other police cruisers in pursuit. However, the chase reached its conclusion when the suspect drove over a police spike strip, causing the tires of the cruiser to blow out. Losing control, the fleeing vehicle careened across the highway and collided with the trailer of a big rig where the chase ended.
The individual was then transported to a hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
This series of events serve as a reminder of the extreme measures some individuals may take to avoid facing the consequences. It also highlights the risks and dangers involved in high-speed pursuits, both for the fleeing suspect and the law enforcement officers involved.
The case of this desperate individual demonstrates the extraordinary lengths people may go to when trying to evade arrest. Despite the efforts of law enforcement, the suspect managed to escape briefly before a tragic conclusion unfolded.