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Man Sets Gas Station on Fire Trying to Kill Spider

Man Sets Gas Station on Fire Trying to Kill Spider

When we read about this one, we were really banking on it being fake, but lo and behold, it is on about the opposite end of the spectrum from being a work.

When this guy spotted a spider crawling around near his gas tank while pumping gas, common sense didn’t really kick in here as his fight or flight mechanism took control and he tried to set the spider on fire. Yeah, we’re going to let that one marinate for a minute…

You could probably guess what happened next. We watch as the gas pump goes up in a ball of flames as this moronic display causes a ton of damage.

Check out the video below that shows the security footage which captured the entire incident from start to finish on tape. Luckily, nobody was hurt and this guy didn’t even show any shame as he showed up the next day to feel up his car, almost like nothing ever happened.


When nitrous goes wrong, the result can get HOT as seen below!

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