Man Whipping 360s in His ATV in the Snow Crashes Hard

When the white and fluffy cold stuff is falling from the sky and a good amount of snow sticks on the ground, it can certainly prove to be a good time, especially if you have a vehicle that complements the snow like this ATV manages to do.
However, on the other hand, the conditions that people aren’t too familiar with driving on can tend to be just as intense in the opposite direction that could end up hurting you if you make a false move on slippery surface. With that in mind, this time of year probably shoots insurance claims through the roof!
This time, we check out an overzealous ATV rider as he heads out into the snow, attempts to put on a hellacious donut display and instead ends up eating a face full of ice as he is tossed from the four-wheeled machine like a rag doll and plants himself firmly into the ground in no time flat.
If you care to join in on the plight of this poor adventurer, the entire thing was captured on video and apparently whoever was behind the camera just couldn’t resist from uploading it all to the Internet for millions to see and for this poor rider to relive over and over again. Hopefully, he was able to get up and didn’t stay out of action for too long!