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Man’s CTS-V Confiscated for “Drag Radials and Exhaust,” Something Fishy is Happening in Virginia!

For those of us who have highly modified machines, there really is a thin line between doing things the legal way and going a little bit overboard in terms of what you can and cannot drive in the streets. This creates a true gray area because a lot of times, the law won’t bother you for most of the modifications that you do to your car, that is, unless you’re out there driving like you stole it. I guess the “pro tip” of sorts here is to try and fly under the radar if you’re on the border at all about this kind of thing. I think, if you do just that, you’ll probably end up being a lot better off in the long haul.

This time, we tune in with the situation that really is a bit of a head scratcher. The car in question is a modestly modified Cadillac CTS-V. The driver claims that he was driving quite like the aforementioned tip recommends, however, a nearby police officer wasn’t about to stand by and watch… whatever it was that he thought he was seeing. Instead, he would pull the Cadillac over and not allow the driver to pilot the car home, instead, he made him loaded up on a tow truck and call it quits for the day. This is where the story gets a little bit questionable.

Follow along in the video down below that gives us the entire scoop on what the tow truck driver started telling the Cadillac owner about this situation that made him raise an eyebrow. It’s situations like these that really make you have to ask questions about what’s really necessary in a traffic stop like this and what would otherwise be considered going overboard. I think that a video like this is a good discussion starter to talking about exactly where that line sits.