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Mario Andretti speaks out and he is voting for Donald Trump

When it comes to one thing that could get people talking about for hours and hours, politics really leaves no shortage of opinions and folks tend to really get fired up as they’re ready to have these opinions heard. We can’t guarantee that the entire conversation will be a friendly one but there is a subject there to talk about, that’s for sure.

During election season, celebrities even hop in on the action to talk about which candidate they think is most fit for office and why. Some of them will even go as far as attempting to persuade young voters to hop in on the action as well and voice their opinions on election day.

In this one, we hear for Mario Andretti who tells us that in this year’s election, he will be voting for Donald Trump and explains his backing for the decision to vote on the red side of the ballot this year.

2016 has really proven to be a polarizing year in terms of politics. Who will you be voting for when it comes time to cast your ballot?