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McLaren 720S Gets Dropped Off Back of a Tow Truck

Sometimes, it just isn’t your day. For Houston Crosta, the owner of Las Vegas based rental car company, Royalty Exotic Cars, those days come frequently. In that business, though, it seems like the game is all about shaking it off and moving forward. For most, dropping a car worth more than a house off of the back of a tow truck might be enough to ruin a couple of days. For Crosta, though, there is no time to dwell! He has to move quickly to assess the damage and get on with his life. After all, the demand for exotic rentals isn’t going to stop because a car is down.

In this video, we hear a pretty crazy story that’s certainly popcorn worthy. We say that because it’s much easier to listen to it than to have experienced it. Sorry, Houston!

In this story, it all starts out with the dying alternator of a McLaren 720S. It doesn’t sound like all that big of a deal, right? Well, when considering the fact that it disabled the electronic door locks on the McLaren and a customer got trapped in the car, things escalated a bit. Eventually, said customer would make it out of the car that apparently had a serious design flaw. However, that wasn’t where the story ends.

When the tow truck driver loaded the car up, he had to put it on a dolly. It’s important to note that this wasn’t the normal company that Royalty Exotic works with because they’d closed for the weekend. With this different tow truck operator came some different challenges. This reached a pinnacle when the car, on the dollies, rolled right off of the back of the tow truck right in front of the shop!

By following along with the video below we get filled in on all of the details. We also get to see what kind of damage came about and how one goes about finding the right remedy to such a situation. This certainly isn’t a situation that anyone wants to run into!