Michelle Rodriguez Shares New Details About the Fast & Furious 8

Michelle Rodriguez Shares New Details About the Fast & Furious 8
If you’re anything like us, you’re completely in love with the Fast and the Furious series. You’ve watched every movie more times than you care to admit and have most of the lines down pat, it’s like second nature to you.
After finishing up Furious seven and seeing the unfortunate death of actor, Paul Walker, it left us to wonder where they were going to take the series next and even though they had plans to make more movies, if those movies would still come about.
The latest on the series comes straight from the mouth of actress Michelle Rodriguez as she gives us a little bit of a scoop about what’s up with the series. She tells us that filming will commence next summer.
Check out the video below to get the full rundown on what exactly has been released about the movie. Can you say Furious in New York for “F8?”
Watch this crazy Ford GT making a high-speed flyby!