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Modified AWD Honda Civic and Porsche Race For $60,000 Pot!

When racers throw down for a little bit of money, it’s pretty crazy how big the pot of cash can get. Over the years, we have seen pretty massive amounts of dough on the line. When several different people want to get in on the betting, let’s just say that the amount at stake can certainly go up rather quickly. This time, we check out one of the most impressive street racing prize pots that we have seen in a while.

This isn’t just a couple of hundred dollars or even $1000. Instead, when these cars throw down, there is $60,000 on the line. It’s certainly one way to spice a race up and have drivers on edge. For those who like to perform under pressure, a situation like this is certainly one that could put you in the spotlight.

In this intense throwdown, we have a couple of diverse competitors here. The video, as presented by iAmTaiBoogie, features a couple of cars that are really from different sides of the performance community.

On one hand, we have a Porsche 911, a high-end exotic car putting power to all four wheels. An application like this is certainly going to get off of the line pretty quickly and likely provide a challenge for the opposition.

In this case, said opposition happens to be an all-wheel-drive turbocharged Honda Civic. While the all-wheel-drive system should give the competitor a little bit of an advantage on the street over a traditional front-wheel-drive Honda, we would guess that it’s probably going to have most of its potency up on the top end of the race track.

This time, we check in with the tension as there is certainly a little bit of drama surrounding a race like this. You didn’t think that somebody was going to just let go with $60,000 on the line without at least trying to play the hustle a little, did you?