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Mom Tracks Down Son’s Stolen Classic Car

In the day and age that we live in, things most certainly aren’t the way that they used to be.

With social media, everybody can be involved in everybody else’s business and people who would have never had a voice just a few years ago have a reach unlike ever before all while keeping the cost at zero.

Just before the days of Facebook, it probably would have cost thousands of dollars to reach out to as many people as this mom managed to when she found out that somebody stole her sons third-generation Chevrolet Camaro and after it all went down, we’d venture to say that she’s incredibly grateful for the way that things are with social networks today.

Apparently, when an 18-year-old had finished restoring his car, a criminal liked the machine enough to go and get his hands on it. That was when this mom got to work, taking a collection of pictures of the car and posting it on Facebook to be shared hundreds of times. Now, even with a great reach like that, situations like this can be a shot in the dark but this time, that shot in the dark struck a bull’s-eye dead on.

It just so turned out that a man driving along who happened to see the Facebook post earlier thought that he spotted the car parked alongside the street and reported it to the mom in need. Lo and behold, when the mom went out to investigate, she found that the car was, in fact, her son’s! Check out the video below that details how this post spiraled out of control to put this car back in hands of its rightful owner.