Monster Energy Drink vs See-Thru Engine Goes Wrong!

Thanks to the likes of the internet, we have seen tons of crazy experiments unfolding that range in just about every single field that you could imagine. People are literally ready and willing to test out everything with the hopes that it might create an interesting result and spark their way to a viral video.
This time, we check out a little test that puts a small internal combustion engine to the task of seeing how well it can handle a drip of Monster Energy Drink. At the end of the day, it’s not really an experiment that will provide much useful information for those looking to build or fix an engine but it certainly is fun to watch and see how sugar effects the inside of such a machine. It’s rumored to be one of the roughest solutions that you could actually introduce to an engine so let’s just see how it acts here.
With the help of a see-through cylinder head, the Monster Energy is introduced to the engine and we get to see how it fires with the sugary compound thrown into the equation. Will this thing completely die out and shut off? Will it handle the energy drink well?
These are the questions that we need to know the answers to now that we’ve heard about the experiment and all that’s left to do is watch this little mighty engine fire away and check out the before and after to see what kind of damage was done or not done.
Follow along down the video below that takes you for a ride with this wacky little experiment that tests out and engine to see just how much of this energy drink it can take. As the experimenter says, it makes him go but will make this little engine go any better or will it just make this thing spit and sputter until it completely self-destructs? There’s only one way to find out!