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Most Powerful SUV Ever! They Launched the Piss out of a TrackHawk!

Over the course of time, we have seen SUVs get better and better with all sorts of different features packed in tight. We have even seen a couple of companies take a stab at their very own rendition of a machine that has all the capabilities of an SUV and even looks like an SUV on the outside but at the core of it all, features a heart that makes the heavyweight a lot of fun to drive and also will just leave onlookers with a surprised face when you lay into the throttle and show them exactly what kind of performance the machine has to offer on tap.

In this one, we take the opportunity to look at what is the most powerful performance SUV to ever come off of the assembly line in the Hellcat powered Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk. With 707 ponies on tap and that all-wheel-drive system that makes them all stick to the ground with relative ease, you’d imagine that this heavyweight of a performance machine would be a ton of fun to drive but thanks to the crew over That Racing Channel, you have to wonder no longer because they manage to get their cameras focused on one and the guys are definitely making the most of the opportunity that has been given to them.

If you follow along with the video down below, you’ll get in on an up close and personal look at the Trackhawk that shows you exactly what this bad boy is all about. We have to admit that even after seeing performance machines come across our desks all day long here at Speed Society, that this vehicle is really one that stands out as one of the most exciting in recent memory. Be sure to get your fill below and tell us what you think of this all out display in heavyweight performance from the Trackhawk down below.
