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Motorcycle ACCIDENT – Street Bike CRASHES Into Semi Truck!

Motorcycle ACCIDENT – Street Bike CRASHES Into Semi Truck!

Every time you hop on a motorcycle, you take your life in your own hands, and when you decide that it’s a good idea to split lanes of traffic, you amplify that thirst for catastrophe ten fold.

This time, we catch up with some riders on the Ride of the Century 2015 that push the limits and nearly end up paying the ultimate price, but end up about as lucky as you can possibly get.

We watch in horror as a bike behind the riders in question catches it all on video when splitting lanes turns into a fall which then turns into almost being run over by a tractor trailer!

Check out the video below to see it all for yourself! Luckily, the truck only took out the bike and both riders were able to walk away. If this wasn’t a wake-up call, we don’t think that there’s anything on this Earth that will be.

Check out the slowest motorcycle fall ever recorded on camera below.
