Motorcycle Stunt Rider Almost Hit by Cop in Pursuit!

Motorcycle Stunt Rider Almost Hit by Cop in Pursuit!
Yes, motorcycle stunt riding is dangerous and the riders do choose to put their lives on the line by stunting on public roads, but this close call is too much!
While this group of riders is out and about, stunt riding on the highway, a police officer catches up with their antics and attempts to put a stop to them as hit job entails.
While trying to bring the riders to a stop, the officer ends up getting his patrol SUV incredibly close to one of the riders who refuses to stop, almost knocking him off of the bike!
Check out the video below as the entire scene is captured for us to watch. Who was in the wrong here? We know the stunt rider should have stopped but should the officer be following this closely?
Stunt riders don’t really enjoy stopping for the police. See more below!