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Motorist Puts Up Mysterious Late Night Road Block In The Middle Of Nowhere

While it would be nice to be able to trust in other people sometimes, there’re just certain situations where you have to have your guard up pretty high. For example, if an individual is blocking traffic in the middle of nowhere at night with a couple of traffic cones, odds are that you’re not going to want to stop and get out of your car to find out exactly what the person needs. Everyone could use a good Samaritan every once in a while but on the other hand, being attacked by some random stranger who is hanging out in in the middle of nowhere is probably something that you don’t want to do.

In this one, we check out some dash cam footage that is rolling during an incredibly scary situation unfolding for this motorist who was making his way along the street when all of a sudden, he would roll into the roadblock that seemed to not be quite legitimate. The driver here even went as far as stopping to try and see if maybe the person on the side of the road here could’ve used a little bit of help, however, when he slowed down and the person would approach the car with his hands in his pockets, the driver decided that it was time to get a move on and not stick around to find out what the suspicious individual was looking for.

The video below shows in the entire situation so that maybe you can make heads or tails of this one for yourself. It also helps to advise you what to do in this situation should you ever find yourself in a position that doesn’t quite seem to be natural or something seems to be going awry. Should you get involved in such a situation, it’s probably a good idea to stay on your toes and have eyes in the back of your head along with taking a couple of precautionary measures like not rolling your windows down.