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Mustang GT Slams Into Honda Head On

Mustang GT Slams Into Honda Head On

Sometimes, you’re greeted with a situation that just doesn’t seem to make much sense at all and this so happens to be one of those situations.

All seems to be normal when pulling into this car show, when all of a sudden, according to the uploader of this video, a Hummer makes an attempt to block traffic, for what reason we’re not really sure.

When he waves the Ford Mustang sitting behind him on by, it looks like he failed to notice a Honda Civic traveling in the opposite direction. The whole situation really just leaves us scratching our heads.

As the Honda driver was literally blinded to the fact that the Mustang was pulling around the Hummer, the two cars collided with a loud crunch.

Check out the video below that shows off the collision up close and personal. While only “one injury” was reported, that one most certainly left a mark.