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NASTY Monocycle Crash Ends Badly

NASTY Monocycle Crash Ends Badly

If you’ve ever seen a monocycle before… what’s that? Oh, you’ve never seen one!? In that case, allow us to introduce you to an invention known as the monocycle.

Chances are, you probably haven’t seen this transportation innovation out on the roads yet because as you could probably imagine, the one-wheeled construction is a bit difficult to perfect on the dimension of balance.

Check out the video below as the inventor of this unique ride ends up pushing the first test of his prototype a little further than he would have liked and ends up wrecking it.

He then goes on to tell us why he plans on moving forward with the invention anyway. This one will have you walking away with a little bit of motivation.

This motorcycle rider ended up crashing when going up against… and RC car?

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