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NASTY Twin turbo LS1 Lamborghini Jalpa – #LSTHEWORLD

NASTY Twin turbo LS1 Lamborghini Jalpa – #LSTHEWORLD

In the world we live in, we’ve gotten quite used to LS swapped everything. Some people love and some loathe it, but you better get used to it, at least for the time being, because that’s the way that it is!

While the most common swaps find their way into older American cars and some common imports, this time, we check out a swap that isn’t common one bit.

The target of LS power this time is none other than a Lamborghini Jalpa. If you thought the Mustang guys got pissed off at LS swaps, just wait until you see some of the purists chiming in on this one!

Check out the video below that shows the 690hp twin turbo boosted LS1 powered Lambo making some passes down the track, breaking into the 9s on moderate boost.