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Need A Test Facility For Your Products? Just Buy A Dragstrip!

If you’ve followed the diesel performance world at all, you’ve almost certainly heard the name Wagler Competition Products. Over the past few years, Wagler has becoming one of the leading names in diesel performance, leading to steady growth for the company as they have built a solid reputation. Following the advice many of our fathers and mentors gave us, owner Jeremy Wagler has decided to reinvest back into the company in a big way.

Just down the road from the company’s headquarters in Odon, Indian lies a dragstrip that, until now, has been known as Lyon’s Raceway Park. The facility, which is quite young by dragstrip standards having been built just 22 years ago, has been running a successful yearly program as part of the NHRA family of tracks. When Wagler approached the track management about installing a sled pulling track on the premises, he was made aware that he had the option to just purchase the entire facility himself. Seeing an amazing opportunity to acquire a successful business that already stood on it’s own and use it as a private testing facility for Wagler’s products and projects, as well as hosting events for their huge family of clients, the deal was made and the keys swapped hands.

Now renamed Wagler Motorsports Park, the facility will continue to operate as a weekly outlet for local drag racers, as well as hosting some large events that will draw crowds from all over the country. The sled-pulling track will also be added, as will a full dyno facility. These additions will offer Wagler the unique ability to test products and tunes in real-world, tangible tests immediately after testing them on the dyno. This should prove a huge asset for the company, helping them remain on the forefront of the diesel performance market as well as raise the bar for their customers.