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NINE Year Old Kid Drives His Dads FERRARI F430!

NINE Year Old Kid Drives His Dads FERRARI F430!

When your car is your pride and joy, it takes an immense amount of trust to let someone else get behind the wheel. That level of trust is amplified when the car costs a ton of money.

The guy in this video doesn’t really seem to care either way as he lets a nine year old get behind the wheel of his Ferrari F430! He says that he had been promising it to the child for months and finally let him have at it on his birthday.

While this seems a little odd, the uploader says the young gun has done quite well in the past as he’s driven his Lamborghini, Bentley, and Porsche Carrera.

We check out the video below and it comes as no surprise, given the info above, that the kid does quite well for his age. In fact, he probably did better than most adults do. Personally, we don’t think that we would have been able to resist laying into the throttle!
