Nissan Self Driving Office Chair That Can Park Itself at Your Desk

Nissan’s Self Driving Office Chair That Can Park Itself at Your Desk
In the world of automated everything, it’s only natural that each and every aspect be marked off of the list of minor inconveniences that can fix themselves.
This time, we check out a new invention from the folks at Nissan and this one might just border on the edge of creepy, giving inanimate objects a life of their own.
If you find that pushing in your chair after use needs to be done, but is too difficult to do yourself, Nissan has come up with a way to nix that step from your daily life.
Check out the office chair, in the video below, that will park itself under wherever you place the included sensor after a series of claps. What do you think of this invention? The guy organizing an entire conference room with a clap is too strange!