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Nitrous Trans Am Lays it on the Bumper! How Much Nitrous??? All of It!!

When it comes to any sort of racing machine, it’s crucial that you attack the build with balance circled around the type of racing that you’re going to take on. In drag racing, you want to not only hit your car with as much power as possible, but you need to make sure that power can make it to the ground in an efficient manner as well.

In this little clip from Free Life Films, we check out Phillip Smith going all out in the Outlaw 632 eliminations with his nitrous setup, sending lots of power to the ground, so much, in fact, that the front end shoots up into the air and comes back down hard. It smashes down so hard, in fact, that it releases an epic spark show.

It looks like these guys might just have to take a little bit out of it in order to find that happy medium that will create the most efficient pass down the track possible or perhaps some suspension tweaking should be in play for this Pontiac Firebird. Needless to say, pulling giant wheelies like this might look cool but it’s really not the most efficient process in the world and certainly isn’t grabbing you wins out there.

Check out the video below that shows off this high-flying show that is a result of too much power meeting too much traction. In the long run, this isn’t really a best case scenario but it isn’t the worst problem in the world to have either.