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Now You Can Visit The Titanic…For $105,000

Being one of the most publicized shipwrecks to ever happen, pretty much everybody knows about the story of the Titanic, the unsinkable ship. Over 100 years later, the wreckage from the devastating incident still lies at the bottom of the ocean where it has come to its final resting place.

Now, with only four submersibles in the entire world that can sink deep enough to get to the level where you can see where the Titanic rests, it’s quite a rare phenomenon to say that you have had the ability to go down there and check out the collection of artifacts.

Now, going down to see the wreckage isn’t impossible. If you have a bank account to back it up, just about anything can be done, right? In this case, that’s no exception. If you’re willing to pony up $105,000, almost a thousand bucks for every year it’s been sitting there, you will be able to trek where few have gone, less than 300 curious folks, to be exact. To put things in perspective, more people have gone into space.

What is it like to sink down into the ocean and see all of that history come to life? Well, if you don’t have six figures of the available money required to figure it out, the video below might help you to get an idea of what it’s like to be able to witness one of the most iconic disasters of all time, or at least what remains of it.