Oddly Designed 7-Circle Roundabout Somehow Manages to Actually Work
For one reason or another, it seems like people here in America can really have a tough time with roundabouts. It’s not clear exactly what it is that causes these issues, but when somebody comes to the circle in the road where they need merge into traffic and round it before exiting and continuing on to whatever road it is they want to drive on, they seem to freeze up, acting like they forgot about what driving is the first place. Now, just imagine taking a roundabout and complicating it even more. Well, in this area in England, that’s exactly what they decided to do but for some reason, it seems like the Swindon roundabout actually works in some diabolical way.
It’s not one or two circles that come together to make a bigger roundabout but instead, seven separate roundabouts that are all in one structure to somehow change the flow of traffic as to unjam it during heavily traveled times. It sounds incredibly complicated and counterintuitive but when you watch the video, they try and convince you that it’s a lot simpler than it seems. While, in theory, it does seem like a little bit of a better idea to have all of the cars routed in separate directions as to not get in each other’s ways and cause traffic jams, I would really love to see how this thing works in practice.
Something tells me that if they brought something like this here to the States, it would just end up with one giant cluster and tons of accidents! Be sure to check out the video below that shows you exactly how this all works and tries to shed some light on why a complicated roundabout system like this might be better than some of the intersections that we have right now. After you soak in all of this new knowledge, be sure to tell us what you think of how they present all of the info. Do you think that a system like this could possibly work here in America?