Ohio Police Department Counts Down Top 5 Biggest Speeding Offenders
When it comes to the offenses that highway patrol officers encounter the most, we would venture to think that speeding is probably the heaviest ticketed offense. Most of the time, it’s probably drivers traveling in excess of the speed limit by maybe 20 or 30 mph, however, this time, we check out people who are a little bit more serious about their speeding and these officers couldn’t believe what they were seeing when they caught the drivers. In fact, it was so notable that the news even decided to make a report on the top five biggest speeding offenders caught by police departments in Ohio.
It gets more and more insane with each and every story that we get the chance to count down the top five biggest speeding offenses around town. Drivers really had to have some serious guts to clock in with speeds speeds of 120 mph, 130 mph, and more! However, the officers recall that there was one offense that would trump them all, clocking in with a much bigger number on that radar gun and they actually managed to pull the guy over, too! Honestly, at that rate, it’s kind of surprising that any of these drivers pulled over to receive their ticket and didn’t just keep on rolling.
If you follow along to the video below you can see how some of the biggest offenders racked up there speeding accolades and make your way toward the top of the list where things begin to get just a little bit sketchy, to say the least. After you watch the video below and hear all about this top list of speeders, be sure to tell us all about your harshest speeding story. We all have that one friend who went a little bit too far and ended up getting pegged with quite a ticket and we want to hear all about that friend!