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Old School Jeep Grand Cherokee is a Hellcat Killer!

Ah, the sleeper. The concept has been debated at water coolers around the country. Okay, maybe those water coolers are actually toolboxes but you get our point.

The concept is basically as old as drag racing itself. For those who are still unacquainted, basically, a vehicle that doesn’t look fast will be quite deceiving. When it comes through and actually delivers, it will leave the jaws of spectators and competition on the floor.

One of the fun parts of the sleeper is that it can take the form of a lot of unconventional vehicles. For example, there aren’t too many people who are going to expect much from an older Jeep Grand Cherokee. However, for this pair of racers at Street Car Takeover in Indy, that was exactly their plan. After driving all the way from Minnesota down to Indianapolis, the pair would make a couple of unforgettable passes.

The crowd grumbled as they saw what these vehicles were capable of. Sure, the Jeeps do have some things that would indicate that maybe somebody is trying to make them fast. The drag radials on the wheels certainly say that they’re looking at taking home some sort of time slip. On the other hand, though, we know of a bunch of people who have slapped aggressive tires on vehicles that weren’t really all that fast.

When push came to shove, even for those who might’ve been expecting these things to be fast, they delivered harder than expected. Down in the video below, we’re able to catch up with the pair as they rocket their way down the drag strip. No matter who was the next lane over, these Jeeps were not backing down.

We’re sure that these guys probably get more than their fair share of shocked opponents! Some of these drivers had to be! – BigKleib34