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Only in Russia… Man Fills Wifes Car With Concrete!

When it comes to figuring out a way to solve your problems, there are plenty of routes to go. While some people might take a conventional method like talking it out, others might choose to go to a little bit more extreme measures to make sure that they get their own version of closure.

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This time, we catch up with a man who clearly appears to be going through some sort of issue with his wife and the way that he chooses to go about resolving his issues is rather unconventional and something that appears to be the method of problem-solving that you would only find in Russia.

Instead of any kind of normal retaliation, this guy decides that the best way of getting even is to grab some concrete and get to filling his wife’s car up to prove his point. I’m not sure if this is the most effective way of working through things but that doesn’t really seem to bother him much as he smiles when the car begins to fill up just like a swimming pool.

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Check out the video down below as these guys decided to film the entire adventure and bring it to us. What do you think of the way that this guy chose to go about getting his ducks in a line? I’m not sure that too many people out there can say that they would have done the same thing, but then again, I’ve been wrong before!