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Pawn Stars Try to Buy a Rolls-Royce That Belonged to Johnny Cash

One of the major roles of the folks on the Pawn Stars reality show and really any pawn shop is to separate smart business from emotion. When a customer comes into the shop with something that a buyer really wants to purchase, it’s important to make sure that the shop can make money off of it. Otherwise, a profit is impossible…Of course, that all changes when you have reality show money. Pawn Stars guys generally aren’t going to buy something that’s not going to make them a profit, though.

This time, the item that became available is definitely one that could be hard to deny the cool factor. For any country music fan or any music fan at all, owning something that was once owned by the legend, Johnny Cash, would be pretty tough to turn down. Just imagine being able to own one of his personal vehicles.

In this case, that was exactly the opportunity presented to the Pawn Stars. When the seller came into the shop, he presented a 1970 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow.

A Rolls-Royce is the top tier of luxury. Even though these cars bring ridiculous money for their purchase, people still fill that market and shovel over the funds. Many new Rolls-Royces cost more than many American homes. Even an older one is going to bring good money, especially when it was owned by somebody like Johnny Cash.

By following along with the video below, we get to join in with the transaction. Will the guys be able to acquire the car owned by one of the biggest country singers of all time? The starting price is $350,000. It might be steep but it could potentially be worth it based on collectibility. Tune in for yourself to see exactly where the negotiations went and if the guys would end up reeling in this insane piece of memorabilia.

Johnny Cash’s 1970 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow – 2014 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas