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Pilot by Birth… 5 Year old Kid Know Everything About The Airbus

As kids grow and learn, eventually, they will start deviating into different hobbies and interests that could stick with them for the rest of their lives. I think I might be able to speak for the majority of us when I say that things like our passion for cars started at a very young age and has grown into our adult lives. I’m not sure about you but personally, for me, I can remember being a gearhead for as long as I have been able to talk. Since then, it has only spiraled out of control as I have had more means to meet my automotive goals than my five-year-old self did.

For this five-year-old, it would really appear as if he has a keen interest for flight, more so than most other kids his age. I mean, at five, it would seem like most would only be able to recognize the basic concepts, no matter what their interests might be. For example, I would probably expect a five-year-old who is interested in aviation to know that a plane has wings and that it does, in fact, glide through the air. Heck, I would probably be impressed if he knew a couple of different models of airplane. However, this youngster takes it another level as he seems to have quite an intuition for aviation as he picks apart an Airbus.

If you follow along with the video below you can get an understanding of this youngster’s interest in airplanes as he talks about some of the basic functions of the plane and starts going a little bit deeper, deeper than what most people probably know about airplanes and how they function. The youngster even takes a crack at describing how the plane would act in an emergency situation and as he continues to describe some of the systems onboard, we can’t help but get more and more impressed. Be sure to follow along with young Adam and his love of planes down in the video below and tell us how impressed you are by this five-year-old who really seems to have a lot going on.