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Police Taken On Wild Chase From Kentucky to an Indiana Cornfield that Ended with Quite the Discovery…

I’ll go ahead and spoil the surprise about the discovery, since the video below doesn’t actually mention the find: the police found a dozen stolen purses in this Ford Ranger, which explains why the driver decided to run from the cops in the first place.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s discuss the video itself, because in all of the police chases we’ve seen, this is one of the most amusing to watch. We caught ourselves laughing out loud several times during this pursuit, which spanned two states and took the better part of an hour. The driver doesn’t seem to be particularly skilled behind the wheel, driving more out of desperation than actual talent, but he does manage to pull a couple of quick moves that allow him to extend the chase when it seemed he was finally hemmed up.

Taking the convoy of officers down the highway, along surface streets, through large parking lots and finally ripping through a big empty field, the driver of the Ranger seemed to be willing to go to any lengths to get away, despite the nearly impossible task of escaping the chopper buzzing overhead. Plus the officers do have that ever-present radio that extends for miles and allows them to coordinate ahead of the pursuit to shut it down. Luckily things didn’t come to that, as the trip through the  field proved to be the perfect opportunity for the fleeing suspect to be brought to a halt. When he had to take action to avoid a huge ditch running through the field, the cops closed the cap and ended the pursuit.

They pulled the driver from the truck and administered a little instant justice in the form of flying fists, sending the message that it’s never okay to run from the authorities.