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Porch Pirate Attempts to Steal Package, Gets Car Stuck in Driveway Snow (Instant Karma)

As we take a spin around the internet, we find tons of videos filled with people stealing packages off of porches. As the pandemic has certainly made for a lot more online shopping, we wouldn’t be surprised if this trend was becoming more prevalent in recent months.

Even though there are cameras just about everywhere these days, brazen criminals haven’t been deterred from stealing boxes off of people’s porches. In an act that can only be described as cowardly, these folks will pull up to a residence that has a box sitting out front, hop out of their car, and make off with the package without even knowing what’s inside.

Over the years, we’re sure that a lot of these people have even managed to get away with the boxes. One YouTube creator got so sick and tired of packages getting stolen that he decided to create a glitter bomb to get back at package thieves.

This time, none of the above would be necessary. Instead, the package thief in question here would end up basically putting himself in handcuffs. Apparently, this guy panicked so badly that the option of running away would fly straight out of the window along with his hopes of not catching a charge.

We aren’t quite sure how this particular thief was detected by the residents of one of the homes he targeted. However, when the homeowner noticed what was happening, he would grab a camera and head outside to watch the thief run away. We’re not quite sure exactly where the crook thought he was going to go after his car’s license plate was caught on camera and so was he. However, the criminal made a run for it.

The plot twist here comes when he attempted to back down the driveway, only to be met with a mound of snow that was a little bit too much for his tiny little front wheel drive car. As the front wheels ended up coming off of the ground, the crook couldn’t go anywhere. Instead, he would try to dig his car out by hand, only to be met with the sweet smell of failure.

Things seemed to be jovial after that for the homeowner who continues to record, even offering the thief a shovel at one point. It wasn’t long before police would show up to put the icing on the cake for this would-be package thief.