Massive RC Boeing 787 Takes a Dive, Catches on Fire

At the rate that remote control replicas are going, it isn’t going to be long before somebody is trying to launch a full-size aircraft via remote control. This time, we check out a pretty sizable remote control airplane. This thing is nothing short of mind-blowing. It gets even crazier when we see how awkwardly it lands, sending the entire situation to shambles. At the end of the day, nothing appears to have been salvageable after the wreck. This had to cost the owner what looks to be a rather sizable chunk of change. This massive craft really takes a dive!
This time, we ride along as the gigantic Boeing 787 replica as it takes off and has a quick flight. It’s not long, though, before our operator tries to cut a turn just a little bit too sharply. The plane ended up not being happy with the angle and started to descend in a hurry. Luckily, this plane didn’t manage to take out any people. The damage was pretty bad, though, as it even caught on fire. We’re not sure that the situation could’ve gotten much worse in relation to the state of the plane.
Check out the video below to see the hobby in action as it grows larger and larger every year, quite literally. How much bigger can these things possibly get and how will situations like these end up looking when the factors required for a safe flight don’t come together in just the right quantity? I guess it only time will tell, but for now we wish this guy a fast mechanical recovery. Hopefully, he’ll be able to pick something out of the wreckage when he takes this thing home and further analyzes the damage. As of now, though, the situation isn’t shaping up to be too promising.