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Recovery Suv from the river full of cat fish

When it comes to keeping our environment in one piece, sometimes, it means that you need to haul up some old vehicular wreckage from the water and I wouldn’t be surprised if these operations were different each and every time that they went down.

This time, we check out yet another underwater vehicular salvage opertation that brings a car up from a small river and it just so happens that this car has a little bit of a surprise onboard! When this thing comes up dripping wet, it turns out that the car has a little bit of life in it, literally!

Instead of just getting this car loaded up and ready to go to the junkyard, the crew has to stop and spectate for a minute as the car is full of fish! It isn’t just one or two fish either. Instead, these things keep on flopping out of the deceased machine, one after the other!

Check out the video below as these guys have a good laugh at this small treasure that they’ve found inside of this wreckage that they’ve pulled up from its watery grave. Who knows, maybe the next car that they pull up will have some valuables in it!