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Reliving the Best News Moments From Top Gear’s Next to Last Season With Clarkson, Hammond, and May

There’s something about the original airing of Top Gear that caught lightning in a bottle. Everything about the show really seemed to reach out and connect with its audience. From the presenters and their wacky sense of humor to the different challenges that would be brought up, everything just felt right.

With the original cast, the show would go on for 21 seasons with a partial 22nd. Midway through the 22nd second season, Jeremy Clarkson would end up in a public dispute with producers that would abruptly end the show. No need to recap that history again.

From there, Clarkson, Hammond, and May would go on to create their very own show. The Grand Tour would share many elements of the previous production. However, some might argue that it’s just simply difficult to recapture the essence of what made the show so special. That isn’t to say that the new show has failed by any means. However, sometimes, things are just special because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Because of this, the original Top Gear captured so many special moments that we’re able to watch over and over again. This time, we check out a fan-made compilation that dives into some of the best moments from season 20. This is the next to last full season that would hit the air. Even after all of those years of producing quality content, the trio still managed to come up with some pretty incredible bits to feed to the audience.

By following along below, we’re able to relive some of the best news segments offered up by the program. After watching how everything has ended up evolving, would you say that the trio’s current production is comparable to the old show? It would’ve been very easy to butcher a new show. However, we tend to like the way that it has come around.