He Rented Out The Entire Mall To Shop Out Of His Car

The way we see it, there are different levels of being rich. Sure, when somebody cracks into the six-figure range, they might fancy themselves rather wealthy. Beyond that, the income can continue to pile up. However, there’s probably always going to be somebody richer than you no matter what. Unless you’re rolling with someone like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, or Warren Buffett, one certainly isn’t the wealthiest person in the world, at least not financially. Don’t get us wrong, though. In between our average Joe and the richest folks on earth, there are definitely people with a ton of money.
It just so happens that over in Saudi Arabia, they’re the second most valuable country in natural resources. I guess that means that there’s some money floating around. The area is known for all sorts of eccentric behavior. This can come from extravagant jewelry to vehicles, real estate, and everything in between. Honestly, we find it kind of fun to watch the excess that comes from this land of extreme wealth. For the individual pictured here, though, he kicks it up another level entirely. As it turns out, it appears as if this gentleman very much so values his privacy. While that’s something that most of us do value, he has the money to afford himself the ultimate private experiences in public places.
The clip here is brief but that almost makes it a little bit better. It forces us to fill in the rest of the experience with our imaginations. However, what we run into here is an individual who has enough money to literally shut the Al Qasr Mall in Riyadh down.
What we see in the video below is this an incredibly rich individual who apparently has paid for the mall to give him a private shopping experience. On this private shopping experience, he went so far as to take his car into the mall to drive from store to store. I can’t say that it gets all that much more excessive than this. We have to admit that we’re loving every second of it, too!