Reporter Doing Story on Road Rage Doesn’t Realize He’s Interviewing NFL Star

When a reporter is out there in the field, doing a proper job of getting the whole story, they can really get focused in on their line of questioning, making sure that they ask just the right things in order to get their whole story. I guess that, in this situation, it would just so turn out that the reporter in question was so focused on this line of questions that he didn’t notice who he was interviewing! I think that this might have been the first time that this individual had been questioned without somebody knowing who he was!
In this one, we get a whole line of questions that are aimed that talking a little bit about road rage and how these situations can get rather intense and end up escalating past where it should, before the reporter notices that he is, in fact, speaking with one of the greatest NFL running backs of all time, Adrian Peterson. As they get toward the end of the report and the interviewee tells the interviewer what his name is, there’s quite the awkward silence as the man asking the questions realizes what he neglected to notice! That one had to be quite embarrassing!
If you follow along in the video below, you’ll be able to join in for just the moment that Adrian is able to reveal to the interviewer his true identity. That’s definitely a mistake that just about anybody could make as NFL players have a helmet on most of the time but the look on the interviewer’s face is pretty priceless. In addition, it sounded like Adrian had some pretty good advice when it comes to road rage, telling people that they should just let it go if they ever get into a situation where things escalate out in traffic. You never know who is going to be on the other side of that argument, after all.