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ROCK RODS TECH TIP – 4 Link Suspension Design 101

ROCK RODS TECH TIP – 4 Link Suspension Design 101

Putting together a rock rod is no easy task as a lot of parts have to be custom fitted and custom tuned to get that ultimate ride that will get you to the top of a hill quicker than anybody else.

Luckily for you, the guys that Busted Knuckle Films have been teaming up with Jake Burkey to show off some tech tips that might just help you out along the ride.

This time on a Rock Rods Tech Tip, Jake teaches us about the dos and don’ts of building a rock bouncer double triangulated 4 link suspension.

Check out the video below to get the rundown on this complex process made just a little bit simpler. Hopefully, this will help you to build your weapon of choice when it comes time for race day.