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Rookie neighbor decided to jump his mini bike between two backyards Ends bad

When you’re into extreme sports, there’s many ways to set up a place to rip but in this situation, the ride of this mini bike decided to try something out that he probably wishes that he could go back in time and undo. This lick looks to be incredibly painful.

By using a set of ramps designed to launch riders in between backyards, these stunt daredevils set up a situation that could prove to have a big payoff with some high flying adrenaline and a cool video to show off. However, it didn’t really end in the way that they wanted it to.

We watch as one of the riders uses his ride to attempt to go from a backyard to another and he ends up completely eating the landing ramp in the process. It looks like the ramp slid right on in between the opening in his helmet and gave him a face full of something unforgiving that he will remember forever.

Check out the incident down in the video below as it was recorded and of course, whoever had the footage decided to upload to YouTube. Be careful though because this one might give you a chill. Maybe a little more throttle would be a good idea next time.