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Ryan Newman Talks About Crash That Nearly Took His Life, Plans To Get Back in the Car ASAP

Ryan Newman Talks About Crash That Nearly Took His Life, Plans To Get Back in the Car ASAP

Just a couple of weeks ago, we would watch Ryan Newman go flying. The accident would take place with just a couple of seconds left in the Daytona 500. In fact, it was so close to the finish line that Newman still managed to finish the race. However, his finishing position was the last thing on everybody’s mind. Instead, our attention would to the well-being of the driver.

The crash was pretty brutal and served up a situation where people would be absolutely right to be concerned. Eventually, though, we would learn that Newman didn’t make it through the incident. Miraculously, he didn’t sustain any major injuries outside of some bruising to the brain. Don’t get us wrong, this could be something that is incredibly serious. The fact that he’s walking around it all, at this point, really has us mesmerized, though.

In one of his first interviews since the incident, Newman would talk to the cast of the Today ShowIn this interview, a lot of ground would be covered. Newman takes the liberty of answering many of the questions that we have all been wondering about.

First, he chats a little bit about how he feels following the incident and what he thinks went right during the situation to allow him to escape with such good health. Before long, he starts to dig into the road to recovery and why he plans on continuing racing. This could be something that would prompt many to walk away.

The one question that seems to be on everybody’s mind here is when he will return to racing. While Newman doesn’t set an exact date in stone, he says that he’s doing everything he can to return as soon as possible.

While signs have pointed toward Ryan Newman returning for the 2020 season, we can’t say for sure when that might be.