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Scariest Real Life Scenario Imaginable – Fire Storm Engulfs Firetruck, Truck Crashes

When it comes to things that make us chill to the bone, nothing is truly more scary than something that unfolds in real life and we’re not talking about that “based on a true story” BS, either.

This time, we catch some wild footage via dashcam that shows you how brave firefighters really have to be in some situations to keep others safe.

When this crew of brave Southern Australian firemen were in the midst of fighting a quickly spreading wild blaze about a year ago, known infamously as the Pinery Bushfire, a worst case scenario would unfold right in their laps.

As a couple of trucks approached the mobile blaze, it would come straight for them, sucking the trucks into its belly as they attempted to evade the heat, crashing into one another.

Based on the caption of the YouTube video saying that they endured the blaze, we think it’s safe to say that they all made it out alive, but one false move and this terrifying scenario could’ve gone another way.

Check out the video below, but be warned because this one puts you right in the driver’s seat in the middle of the action and you can’t unsee this heated terror.

