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School Teaches “Adulting 101,” Shows Students How to Change a Tire, Check Their Oil

Speaking from personal experience, it seems like many educational programs really miss the mark in some respect. With a strong focus on sending kids to college, sometimes, they miss out on the basics. It has been argued for years that high schools should include some sort of program that teaches kids how to live in real-life. This might include things like balancing a checkbook, filing taxes or even changing the oil on a car. Each and every one of these skills can be incredibly valuable no matter which direction someone goes in life. Luckily, many of us have teachers outside of school to help with these experiences. Not every child is so lucky, though.

Thanks to an “Adulting 101” class, though, kids at Fern Creek High School will have a little bit more opportunity. The class includes different skills like cooking or changing the oil in the car. Sure, schools should focus on making sure that kids have what they need in order to proceed to the next level of education. However, throwing in a couple of classes that involve real-life skills might be a good idea as well. There’s no reason that they have to focus entirely on academia at the expense of life experience preparation.

By following along with the video below, we get a little bit of a taste of what this class might offer. With basic skills like this, not only will students become more functional adults. They will also be able to save themselves a little bit of money. Even if they do choose to pay someone to carry out some of these jobs, they will least know what to look for. Arming oneself with knowledge is a good way to protect yourself in life. Knowing how to do something like an oil change could help someone to know when a mechanic is ripping them off.