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SCREAMING Commodore Roasts Summernats With Fire

This burnout competitor gives it all he’s got until his car bursts into a ball of fire

It this video, we’re going to focus on the “BURN” in “burnout.” As this Holden Commodore lets loose, the screaming Aussie turns friction into heat which results in a ball of fire. A normal person would stop, but this is Australia! The driver keeps going until he wants to stop, not to be dictated by a few little flames.

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Let us be the first to say that this video would still be insanely awesome even without the fire that ensues. This supercharged Australian beast calls for one heck of an eargasm even before the drama unfolds. The fire makes the show all that much better.

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Hopefully he’s able to quickly repair all melted components. We think were speaking for everyone when we say that we’d love to see this car again!
