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Shooting Fruit With Supersonic Ping Pong Balls! Vacuum Cannon Test

Need a reason to pay attention in science class, kids? Here’s one!

Using items you can pick up at your local hardware store, this guy has created a ping pong ball cannon that is nothing short of badass! By creating a vacuum inside a length of PVC pipe, you can basically use the air itself to blast the ping pong ball inside to insane speeds when the rupture seal is broken and the air comes rushing in to fill the vacuum.

As it does so, the air pushes the ball ahead of it to speeds high enough to demolish an apple, which looks amazingly cool in super slow motion. The ping pong ball is destroyed by the impact, but it does some serious damage to the apple too, both are small prices to pay to see the effects of science in action. Who wants to build one of these now? I know I sure do!