Shop Turns a Rolls-Royce into a Full Blown Rat Rod!

Among the names that scream luxury, Rolls-Royce is one that you simply cannot deny. Old or new, the vehicles are among the most respected in the luxury world and very rarely get any sort of modification outside of maybe adding a couple of bolt-on visual touches such as wheels and tires.
This time, we check out a ride that is definitely not your average Rolls. In fact, there isn’t much left of this car that resembles the platform from which it originally was developed and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You have to see it to believe it with this one.
Instead of sticking to a simple restoration, a group of guys from different areas around the world collaborated to take a 1936 Rolls-Royce and repurpose the thing entirely, bringing the car from an upper echelon symbol of class that was once owned by an eccentric British aristocrat and transforming it into something that any hot rodder could truly appreciate in a one-of-a-kind rat rod.
Ride along in the video below as the creators explain just what it was that they were thinking where they took one sort of car and turned it into something entirely different, from top to bottom. This LS6 powered Rolls, featured at SEMA, is unlike any Rolls-Royce that you have ever seen before or will probably ever see again.