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SKYDIVING IN A CAR – These Guys Have Some Big Ones!

SKYDIVING IN A CAR – These Guys Have Some Big Ones!

When skydiving at a normal level just won’t get the job done for you, these guys came up with an all new idea that would provide a little bit of an extra kick

The adrenaline rush starts with the convertible plummeting from the sky with the adrenaline junkies hanging out but before long they’re out and the car is let to go to Earth.

It’s a cool sight to see as the car freefalls to its death. We kind of wish that we could’ve gotten a visual of the car crashing into the ground, but this is still an adrenaline rush to say the least!

Check out the video below as these guys push skydiving to the absolute edge and almost go over it! This stunt is nothing short of sheer insanity.


It’s pretty scary to watch this plane crash, but somehow the skydivers land safely.

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