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Soccer Mom ‘Hell Van’ VS Heavily Modded Mustang

Soccer Mom ‘Hell Van’ VS Heavily Modded Mustang

While the term “sleeper” can be stretched a little bit, we feel like it sometimes is taken a little bit too far, being thrown at anything with four wheels.

This time, however, we catch up with something that might be next to “sleeper” in the dictionary, should pictures ever be introduced to the dictionary.

When a minivan known as the “Hell van” lines up with a beefed up Ford Mustang, it might look like it’s obvious who the winner will be, but try not to count your eggs before they hatch here.

Check out the video below as the van, does in fact, put not only the Mustang, but also all the naysayers in his rearview mirror on the way to a victory!


Watch this minivan sleeper beat up on a WRX in a drag race.
