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This Soda Can Impression of a Rally Car is Spot On!

This Soda Can Impression of a Rally Car is Spot On!

We all have different hobbies that make us smile in this life. You know what they say, if you do something for long enough, eventually you’ll become good at it. This one might seem unconventional. However, when this man starts to roll out the fruits of his labor, the result of tons of fun to watch. It might be something simple but it really has a way of drawing our attention in. We can’t help but wonder how one goes about picking up a talent like this. It’s certainly not something that they’re teaching in any sort of school.

No, this hobbyist doesn’t have a collection of things or play any sports, at least not here. However, what he does happen to be incredibly good at is imitating the sounds of a rally car. It’s pretty spot on! All it takes is a soda can and he’s making that thing rip through the dirt. It even bangs through the gears a couple of times for good measure! If our eyes were closed, we might even think that we were hearing the sound straight out of the exhaust pipe. It probably does get old having people constantly asking him to try the same noise over and over again, though!

The video below will take us inside and out of many of the sounds that this young man is capable of making. This is one that you truly have to give a listen to in order to believe so head down to the video below and check out the demonstration for yourself because this romp certainly is a good one. It really leads us to wonder if he can do any other good sounds! We’ve certainly heard a couple of others who have made themselves professionals at car sounds with nothing more than their lips.
