Speed Bumps in the Netherlands Are a Car Guy’s Worst Nightmare!

One of the things that we, as car enthusiasts, pay closer attention to than normal people might, is that of speed bumps. To those with a normal vehicle, they might not seem like a huge deal, however, if you have a car that is lowered with aftermarket components or even comes from the factory with a low stance, you tend to make sure that you know exactly what’s going on when you find yourself near a series of speed bumps. Knowing where the worst bumps are and how high they are is good information to have so that you can go through your day without doing any damage to your ride.
Now, if you’re anything like me, you might find yourself complaining about a certain set of speed bumps near your residence. It’s only natural that if they’re high enough to impede your travel in your vehicle, that you take notice. However, we get a hunch that no matter how bad the bumps near you might be, the speed bumps picured here from the Netherlands might be a little bit worse! In fact, the bumps here were so bad that someone had to pull out their camera and film the design. It seems like, if you don’t hit these bumps just right, you are pretty much doomed as there’s a giant gap in the middle that you need to get over. However, even if you do hit them properly, there’s probably a pretty high chance that you’re going to end up bottoming out in the matter, anyway!
We invite you to check out how bad these speed bumps really get down with the video below and tell us what you think of their design. Personally, unless there is something that we are missing here, it’s looking like whoever was behind use either was asleep on the job or is up to no good. These bumps are looking like nothing short of pure evil and will really make you appreciate those bumps near you that you thought were bad, if you ask us, that is.