Storm Chasers Unveil Their Worst Winter Moments as Cars Slip and Slide All Over the Place
For those who voluntarily go out to chase storms for a living, they probably capture some pretty insane footage of all sorts of natural disasters unfolding right in front of their eyes. However, sometimes, it’s how humans interact with these situations that really ends up getting more interesting. If your experience is anything like mine, you might notice that human beings do a pretty good job of throwing all common sense out the window sometimes when a storm gets to brewing. From what I’ve noticed, with a first look at precipitation, people are in the shoulder with their hazard lights on, driving at 5 mph.
This time, we check out quite the compilation of clips as a group of storm chasers takes us along for some of the wildest moments that they have ever seen unfold during winter weather. Now, I know that we previously mentioned people who immediately send their driving into the gutter when things like this happen but some of these people pictured are legitimately up against the wall here as they face some really intense conditions that nobody wants to drive in. Others, well, they just panic and make bad decisions!
If you follow along with the video below, you’ll get the full scope of exactly how these folks dealt with the winter weather when it was plopped right in their lap. Some of these clips provide amazing saves and others, well, they’re just left wishing that they could’ve saved it. After watching this collection of clips, you’re definitely going to think twice before you head out when a storm is brewing next time and if you do end up hitting the road that are covered with snow, your driving style might just change up as a result of watching something like this.