Street Outlaws Chuck vs Choppa For $10,000! Fight Almost Breaks Out Before The Race!

A while back, we shared the video of Street Outlaws #1 man Chuck in the Death Trap Mustang taking down grudge legend Tony Bynes in his nitrous injected Camaro known as Choppa. What we didn’t share, because at the time we hadn’t seen the footage, was the smack talk that took place in the pits before the race. Trash talk is a huge component of the grudge racing game, using verbal warfare to get inside your opponents head. What often begins as a negotiation to work out the stipulations of the race almost always devolves into a heated argument, with the occasional fist fight erupting when things get a little too heated.
Bynes’ smack talk is as legendary as his driving skills, but it seems this crowd may have underestimated Chuck and his mouth. The video opens with a crowd gathered around Chuck’s car in the pits and Chuck himself engaged in a discussion about the stipulations when the discussion begins to build a little steam. As the negotiation process degenerates into an outright war that seems to be right on the very of an outright fight at any moment. The guy in the video arguing with Chuck is not Tony Bynes, but seems to be Bynes’ mouthpiece instead, sent by the wily grudge veteran to try to rattle Chuck. We have to say, it doesn’t seem like the ploy worked very well, as Chuck seemed to almost enjoy the escalation of the trash talk.
While the language is a bit “colorful”, this all just part of the show that takes place at all grudge racing events. Talking trash gets the fans hyped up for the race and helps fill the downtime in the pits between runs. Chuck, who is certainly no meek or timid guy, did a great job of returning fire, even backing the guy down and, if a winner were declared in trash talk, we’d have to say Chuck would get the win light on this round.